Närpes Trä & Metall
NTM was founded in 1950 by Lennart Nordin and currently has around 700 employees. It is an engineering company that develops, manufactures, sells and maintains transport equipment for heavy goods vehicles and refuse and recycling material collection vehicles. By adopting a goal-oriented approach to product development and quality, the NTM Group has evolved into one of the biggest players in the Nordic region. However, NTM’s market reach stretches beyond the Nordic countries, with the company having a presence in the UK, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Croatia, the Baltic states, Canada and USA. The Group’s parent company is based in Närpes on the Finnish west coast, and has subsidiaries in Sweden, Estonia, the UK, Germany, Poland, Canada and USA.
The company’s success is based on three strengths: a customer-oriented approach, know-how and quality.
The NTM Family
Founded on 27.04.1950
Närpes, Finland: Ab Närpes Trä & Metall - Oy Närpiön Puu ja Metalli
- HQ, Research & Development
- Production
- Sales & Service
Founded on 26.05.1992
Stockholm, Skara, Sweden: NTM Sverige Ab
- Sales & Service
Founded on 11.10.1996
Tallinn, Estonia: OÜ NTM Baltic
- Production
- Sales & Service
Founded on 03.12.2003
Kidderminster, United Kingdom: NTM-Gb Ltd.
- Production
- Sales & Service
Founded on 27.07.2009
Vilnius, Lithuania: Ab Narpes Tra & Metall - Oy Narpion Puu Ja Metalli Filialas
- Sales & Service
Founded on 22.10.2009
Warszawa, Poland: NTM Polska Sp.zo.o
- Sales & Service
Founded on 10.02.2011
Wildeshausen, Germany: NTM Entsorgungssysteme Gmbh
- Production
- Sales & Service
Founded on 16.1.2020
Calgary, Canada: NTM Canada Ltd.
- Production
- Sales & Service
Founded on 10.5.2021
Savannah, USA: NTM North America Inc.
- Production
- Sales & Service